The automatic curing and drying chamber is used for drying ang curing the plates for battery production.This equipment will finish the complete plate curing and drying process automatically,the heating method of electricity,coal gas,and natural gas can be selected for meeting different of temperature and humidity.
KN-GHS curing&drying chamber
This chamber is used to plate drying and solidification in battery manufocture.
The equipment can automatically finish the whole pracess of plate solidification and drying.
技术参数: Technical Parameters
外形尺寸: External Dimension
主箱体:4000mm×4000mm×3000mm Main Chamber: 4000mm×4000mm×3000mm
有效容积:3200mm×3800mm×2900mm Valid Volume: 3200mm×3800mm×2900mm
控制精度 Control Precision
温度:±1℃ 湿度:±2%RH Temperature: ±1℃;Humidity: ±2%RH
加热方式:电加热和蒸汽加热 Heating Method:Electrical heating and steam heating
加湿方式:喷水雾和加蒸汽或用加湿机 Humidifying Method:Electrical heating and steam heating
电源:3相380伏50赫兹 Electrical Power:3Phases,380V,50HZ
功率:电加热60-120KW 风机:7.5KW Power:electrical heating=60~120KW,Blower=7.5KW
蒸汽辅助加湿:30KW Steam heating=30KW
水:0.2Mpa~0.4 Mpa Water: 0.2Mpa~0.4 Mpa
压缩空气:0.4Mpa~0.6Mpa Compressed Air: 0.4Mpa~0.6Mpa
蒸汽:≥0.05Mpa Steam: ≥0.05Mpa
注:可根据要求选择加热方式和加湿方式 Note:Different heating method ang hunidifying method can be selected.
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