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  • 所属分类:蓄电池专用设备
  • 浏览次数:
  • 发布日期:2021-07-19 16:41:38
  • 产品概述



KN-LT Model Down Flow Type Cartridge Filter

概述 Overview


On the basis of introducing,absorbing and assimilating the advanced technology of foreign DFT model cartridge filter, the KN-LT model down flow type cartridge filter is a kind of efficient dust remover developed by the company combining with the domestic actual situation. Because of its reasonable structure, high dust removal efficiency, strong practicability, small floor area, remarkable energy-saving effect, capital outlay saving and convenient maintenance it’s widely used in building materials, light industry, metallurgy, chemical industry and other industries. Compared with the conventional bag filter, the filter belongs to a new generation of products.



• 刚性滤料成折叠式均匀分布组成滤筒,使其具有较小的体积,发挥较大的过滤面积效应。

• 在普通滤料的外层,再覆盖一层超细纤维层,从而使过滤效果有了本质的提高。被过滤粉尘仅停留在滤料超细纤维层的外表,所以大大减少了过滤阻力,节省耗电 30%以上,节能效果显著,并且清灰十分彻底。同时也解决了超细粉尘、纤维性粉尘难以处理等各类难题。

• 选用 PTFE覆膜滤料适用于潮湿的含尘气体,由于滤料与水的接触角大于108度,使得附着于滤料表面的潮湿粉尘不粘滤料,极易吹落,因而,彻底解决了潮湿粉尘结露粘料的问题。

• 过滤效率:普通滤料为 5μm以上粒径粉尘收集能力为99.9%,覆膜滤料为0.5μm以上粒径粉尘收集能力为99.9%。

• 普通滤筒的正常使用温度为 80℃(如订货时加以说明,使用温度可达130℃)。

Filter cartridge structure and characteristics

• The rigid filter materials are uniformly distributed in folding mode and compose the filter cartridge, thus the cartridge can have the smallest volume, and play a maximum filtering area effect.

• The outer layer of ordinary filter materials is covered with a layer of superfine fiber, so that the filtering effect has substantial improvement. The filtered dust only stays on the surface of superfine fiber layer of the filter materials, so the filter resistance is greatly reduced, the power consumption is saved to over 30% , the energy saving effect is remarkable, and the ash removal is thorough. At the same time, a variety of problems are solved such as the ultrafine dusts and fibrous dusts.

•The PTFE membrane filter material is suitable for moist dust contained gas. Since the contact angle between the filter material and the water is greater than 108 degrees, the wet dust sticking to the filter material surface doesn’t adhere to the filter material and is easily blown away. Therefore, the problem of moisture condensation and material sticking of wet dust is completely solved.

•Filtration efficiency: the ordinary filter material has grain size of above 5 μm, and the dust collection capacity is 99.9%. The membrane filter material has grain size of above 0.5 μm, and the dust collection capability is 99.9%.

•The normal usage temperature of ordinary filter cartridge is 80 ℃(if stated in order, the usage temperature can reach 130 ℃).


• 采用了先进的沉流式布局及滤筒斜装结构,因而除尘器在工作过程中同步清灰效果好。

• 尘气入口设置挡尘板,有缓冲及耐磨作用,不使粉尘直接高速冲击滤筒,因而能延长滤筒的使用寿命。

• 滤筒 15 0 倾斜抽屉式安装,可使滤筒拆换更方便,而且除尘器本体内不设置传动部件,使其维修工作减至少量。对一般性粉尘,滤筒可长期使用不需要更换,省去了常用袋式除尘器需经常换洗滤袋的繁琐工作,并节省了大量的维修费。

• 先进的压缩空气自动定时脉冲清灰,保证除尘器持续低阻力运行。

• 除尘器正面应留出大于 800mm抽筒空间。

Unit Structure  

• The unit adopts advanced down flow type layout and filter cartridge angle mount structure, so the synchro ash removal effect is good in the working process of the filter.

• The dust and gas inlet is equipped with a dust board, which has the function of buffering and wear-resisting, so that the dust cannot directly impact the filter cartridge in high-speed and the service life of the filter cartridge can be prolonged.

• The filter cartridge adopts 150 inclined drawer type installation, so that the cartridge disassembly and change is more convenient, besides, drive disk assembly is not set in the dust removal body, so the maintenance work is reduced to the minimum. For the general dust, the filter cartridge can be used for a long time without replacement, and the tedious work of frequently changing and washing the filter bags of bag filters is left out, and a large amount of maintenance cost is saved.

• Advanced automatic timing pulsating dust-cleaning with compressed air can ensure continuous low resistance operation of the filter.

• The right side of the filter should set aside over 800mm draw tube space.




手   机:15371563520/15371563530

邮   箱:32166977@qq.com

网   址:www.yckn88.com

地   址:盐城市亭湖区经济开发区步凤镇全民创业园3号厂房



版权所有:盐城市科能环保科技有限公司 | 备案号:苏ICP备2021038960号-1

